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A prominent Japanese education conglomerate specializing in education and publishing enlisted the expertise of a research consultant …
3 minutes readA prominent internet services provider firm set its sights on expanding into the rapidly growing South-East Asia (SEA) market. They a…
3 minutes readOur client is a renowned non-profit technology organization that aims to drive social impact and technological advancement in various…
3 minutes readA US non-profit technology organization faced formidable challenges delivering impactful business presentations to various stakeholde…
3 minutes readThe construction material industry is ripe with potential, and our client, a renowned manufacturer, sought to explore new vistas beyo…
3 minutes readOur client is a humanitarian NGO supporting food security, health, and economic empowerment initiatives. They are committed to improv…
3 minutes readBeing an independent consultant or freelancer is extremely worthwhile; however, upfront project preparation and proactive client manag…
6 minutes readWhy superwomen need not try so hard to have it allRecently, an article by Professor Øyvind L. Martinsen from the BI-Norwegian Business…
4 minutes readFeeBee, our community-driven fee benchmarking tool, helps independent consultants remove a key source of ambiguity from freelancing an…
1 minute readFeeBee, our community-driven fee benchmarking tool, helps independent consultants remove a key source of ambiguity from freelancing an…
1 minute readIf the answer to the question asked in the title of this piece is no, then you aren't alone.Our recently conducted survey reveals…
3 minutes readAs an independent Consultant, you learn a lot about yourself. You face challenges great and small that you would never have as an empl…
4 minutes readThe idea of working on your own terms sounds appealing. Making money from such an enterprise adds a totally different perspective to t…
4 minutes readGet high-quality content delivered to your inbox and stay on top of the game. Subscribe now!